HSBC Assurances Vie (France)
In 2020, Laurence Rogier was appointed as Managing Director and Virginie Bayle Beausir as Deputy Managing Director. But our journey started back in 1986, with lots of important milestones along the way.
Key milestones
The start of something new
- 1986: Erisa was founded as a joint venture between Crédit Commercial de France (CCF), Swiss Life and les Mutuelles du Mans. It offered life insurance products mainly through branches and regional subsidiaries of Crédit Commercial de France.

Acquisition of HSBC
- 2000: HSBC Group bought the Crédit Commercial de France Group, including regional banks, so it could extend its distribution network.
- 2006: an open-architecture insurance platform was created that brings together Erisa and Erisa IARD.
- 2007: HSBC acquires 100% of Erisa and Erisa IARD.
- 2008: HSBC Assurances brand is launched. Erisa becomes HSBC Assurances Vie (France).
Changing our focus
- 2012: HSBC Group refocused its activities on its proprietary networks and on specific businesses and countries. In France, this is reflected in the sale of its general insurance subsidiary and the development of life insurance activities.

Responsibility and commitment
For several years now, HSBC Assurances Vie (France) has been taking part in market initiatives to finance sustainable economic growth and innovation. Initiatives include:
- 2012/2013: Nova 1 and Nova 2 funds, dedicated to supporting French small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in listed equity.
- 2014/2015: Novo 1 and Novo 2 funds, financing French SMEs via loans and Euro Private Placement (EuroPP).
- 2014: dedicated fund to finance French local authority and hospital projects meeting sustainable development goals via loans and EuroPP.
- 2015/2016: COP 21 and the signing of the Paris agreements, contributing to the Green Bond Terra Neva issuance, to finance energy transition projects supported by the European Investment Bank.
- 2016: energy transition via investment in a solar and wind plant private equity fund.
- 2017: Novi funds financing French SMEs through a mix of private equity and listed small cap equity.
- 2020: post-COVID 'Relance Durable' programme bringing together the insurers, CDC, FRR and ERAFP with 3 initiatives delivered from May to December.
- 2021: Prêts Participatifs Relance (PPR) and Obligations Relance (OR) funds: loans guaranteed by the French government (first 30% default) and validated by the European Commission given to French companies in good health, who need capital for new investments.
- 2022: a new asset class, Natural Capital, investing in sustainable agriculture and timberland, restoring biodiversity.
- 2023: Tibi 2 program financing French start-ups in the private equity and listed segments of technology stock markets, as well as on risky industrial projects with a proven technological component.
New opportunities
- 2021 (25 November): HSBC Continental Europe signed a framework agreement with Promontoria MMG SAS ('My Money Group') and its subsidiary, Banque des Caraïbes SA, about the planned sale of HSBC Continental Europe's retail banking activities in France. HSBC through its subsidiaries HSBC Assurances Vie (France), HSBC Asset Management (France) and HSBC REIM (France) would continue its existing insurance and asset management activities.
- HSBC Assurances Vie (France) plans to enter into a distribution agreement with the purchaser and future CCF at the transaction date planned for 1 January 2024.
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