Data privacy and you
When you view our website, we can see:
- What you click
- What you view
- How long you spend on pages
- Your device & internet connection details such as: type of device you’re using, IP address and details about your internet connection, technical details such as your screen size and the software you’re using, such as your web browser
- Your country or region (not exactly where you are unless we ask permission)
- Your unique advertising or other identification numbers allocated to your browser or device
If you follow a link to this website, we know the last site you visited. You may have reached this website by following a link from an e-mail. When you open an email from us, we may be able to tell:
- That you’ve opened it
- What links in the email you click on
When you fill in a form on our website, we can see what you type.
If you send us a message, we may collect information you tell us.
Other important information
We have a few more things to tell you.
- Transfers: We transfer your information outside of the European Economic Area. If this happens your information may not have the same level of protection
- Security: We’ll use a range of measures to keep your information safe and secure, such as encryption
- Storage: We keep your information in line with our data retention policy. We do this to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and for our legitimate purposes
Our full privacy notice contains more information about these topics.
Contact us
We’re always happy to hear from you.
You can contact our Data Protection Officer at:
For the attention of:
Délégué à la Protection des Données HSBC en France
HSBC Continental Europe
38, Avenue Kléber - 75116 Paris
Additional information
This privacy notice may be updated from time to time, and you’ll always be able to find the most recent version on this site.